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Social Media

Boutique Ochsen

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Providing hospitality is our passion, hotel business is our profession.

Boutique Hotel OchSen puts you close to attractions and is packed with in-house facilities to improve the quality and joy of your stay. We build the online presence of OchSen based on the destination management model.
The model consists of 5 A’s: Access, Accommodation, Attractions, Activities, and Amenities that all together aim to promote the destination. Each ‘A’ element presented offers a reason to visit, sparking the curiosity of the visitors.

Social Media Management
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Telling stories through stories

To effectively promote Boutique Ochsen on social media, we created a unique voice that speaks to the hotel's guest demographics. One way to achieve this was by sharing slice-of-life content that showcased the hotel's daily experiences and created a personal connection with potential guests. Highlighting the feeling of comfort and being at home from the first moment, emphasizing the great hospitality, great service, and cozy rooms that Boutique Ochsen offers. Additionally, promoting the destination by exploring attractive area points and creating unique experiences for the guests. This helped boost visibility but also enhanced the overall guest experience.