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Social Media  /  Video  /  Photo Shooting


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We make moments

Mövenpick Hotel Lalëz, located in one of the most exclusive areas of the Adriatic coast, can greatly benefit from a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to increase its visibility and attract more customers. One of the most effective ways to promote a hotel is through photo shoots and social media management. By showcasing stunning visuals of the hotel's rooms, amenities, and surroundings, Mövenpick Hotel Lalëz can capture the attention of potential guests and encourage them to book their stay.
Social Media Management
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Telling stories through stories

Movenpick social media presence is built on three main pillars. Movenpick brand, the location, which includes Lalezi Bay and Albania, and last but not least, hotel services. The social media calendar features educational, engaging, informative, innovative, and commercial content, all of which aim to promote the brand and the destination.


Photo Shooting


What can we take a picture of and still keep the same emotion we’re experiencing?
We worked to create engaging content that highlights the different aspects of the Hotel.
From the luxurious rooms to the mouth-watering cuisine, we ensure that every post and
story showcases the best of what Movenpick has to offer. We take great care in selecting
the right angles and lighting to capture the essence of each experience.

We firmly believe that a picture is worth a thousand words, and we strive to create images that convey the emotions and feelings that the guests experience.

So, the next time you come across their Instagram or Facebook posts, know that every photo or video
has been carefully curated to showcase their expertise, creating unforgettable experiences for the guests.