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Avra is a contemporary restaurant located near the Adriatic Sea, offering a delectable selection of Mediterranean cuisine. With our social media strategy and photo shoot project, we aim to showcase the restaurant's modern and cozy ambiance along with its à la carte dishes. Our online marketing approach is designed to expand the restaurant's reach and increase its popularity among food lovers.

Social Media Management
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Telling stories through stories

To share the enchanting experience of Avra with a wider audience, we have embarked on an innovative social media strategy and photo shooting project. Capturing the essence of the restaurant's soulful ambiance and the artistry of culinary creations, their digital platforms now serve as an online portal to the Avra world. Our online marketing approach is centered around engaging with their community of food enthusiasts, sparking conversations about the unique culinary offerings and unforgettable memories created at Avra.


Photo Shooting


We entice their followers with tantalizing food photos that make their taste buds tingle, inviting them to imagine the flavors and aromas that await them at Avra tables.