Cheops Gym

Cheops gym
Cheops Gym is a gym, aerobics and fitness center of high standard.

Branding concept
Cheops defines one of the 7 Wonders of the World, the pyramids of Egypt, and especially the giant pyramid of Giza, the pyramid of Cheops.
We have chosen to use ancient Egyptian symbols to create a unique, meaningful brand.

Never skipping a day
We have underlined the importance of having a healthy routine, which comes not only from healthy food but also from professional training and in excellent conditions as Cheops Gym offers.
Exercise graphics, CTAs, and interactive posts are where we mainly focused on.
Telling stories through stories
Some healthy habit tips, motivational quotes and CTAs never hurt anybody.
Shoot your shot
All you need is a good gym and a good physical plan.
The photos and videos we have made for Cheops aim to offer images of a very professional, modern place with quality fitness tools and responsible, motivated personal trainers.